Your Neighborhood Cookout!

Pet Well-Being and Rescue
We love our pets, they are family! We are certain you do too! The Backyard Dog gives 5% of all their proceeds to animals in need. Help us keep the love going by supporting our brand today!
“The Backyard Dog” Born in Indiana… Heart of Tennessee! To sum it up… we are dog lovers. No literally… that is our mission!
This idea developed when one of my best friends showed signs of being ill. My Breezie Bear the family Dog, but not just that, to us a family member. I know to some it might be a small ordeal and you might say it’s just a dog, but to true animal lovers they understand the passion for those furry critters it becomes a project driven towards the efforts of saving one of man’s best friends. Breezie Lenae a Blue Razor’s Edge hadn’t been feeling well lately and we feared that she possibly wouldn’t be around much longer. Unfortunately we didn’t have the funds to get medical attention for her like a lot of pet owners around the country might experience.
We decided to come up with an avenue to raise capital for her treatments and a product was born… “Smoke Sauce”. I mean come on, who doesn’t enjoy a nice cookout and a yummy sauce to go with those ribs. This sweet and smokey sauce is delicious and goes well with ribs, chicken, pulled pork, and basically anything you need a sauce for. “Smoke Sauce” is the first stage of establishing this venture in developing a place we believe will not only be a social spot for dog lovers, but also a catalyst for those around the nation to lean on if they suffer the same fate that we did.
We are not selling it as of now, but we are asking for donations and a sample bottle will be sent out to you.
Only pet owners, especially “Dog Lovers” can completely understand the connection and drive for that family pet. We are hoping to create something with “The Backyard Dog” that will eventually allow us to give back to our communities. Somewhere they can reach out to if they come across the same predicament, and a chance to save their joy of life in a time of need.
At “The Backyard Dog” we truly hope you enjoy it and look forward to you being a part of our movement.
Thank you for your support!